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What is the price of eeenf stock?

EEENF Price is 0.00610 USD today. As of 2023 April 16, Sunday current price of EEENF stock is 0.00610$ and our data indicates that the asset price has been in a downtrend for the past 1 year (or since its inception).

Who is Kaneff Corporation?

Since the beginning of its inception, Kaneff Corporation has built a reputation on innovative design, premium building materials, unequaled craftsmanship, and a penchant for building projects with large open spaces. This reputation has enabled Ignat to pursue nearly every avenue in the real estate industry.

How many jobs are cut at KONE Oyj (knebv he)?

Chief Executive Henrik Ehrnroot said the rest of the job cuts would take place around the world without providing details. The cuts represent around 1.6% of Kone's workforce of 63,277 at the end of 2022. Find the latest KONE Oyj (KNEBV.HE) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing.

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